But at the end of the day, you have to own your own behavior.

If I’m in a bad mood, or someone has really done something to make me mad, it takes all of the energy I have in the world to keep my mouth shut … and I’m not always successful. The earlier you can learn this in your career, the better off you will be.īe warned: This is a difficult skill to master! I’ve taught it for years now and I still struggle with it. Have you ever noticed that those who are the highest rank in the room usually say the least? That’s because, over the course of becoming the highest rank in the room, they’ve learned when to speak up and when to keep quiet. If you say, you’ll likely end up pretty miserable.Ī lot of those scenarios are dependent on developing one key skill: The fine art of keeping your mouth shut. Not inclined to play the politics game at work? Maybe it’s time to pursue greener pastures elsewhere.Know you have the key votes on your side, even if your co-worker is running their mouth to the contrary? Just go along with it – no need to rock the boat if you have a win in sight.Sitting in a meeting and it’s clear the decision isn’t going to go your way? Look for a compromise right quick, but don’t fall on your sword to fight a losing battle.Does the path you’re headed down lead you to a “win?” Then what the heck are you doing!.One of my core principles of office politics is this: You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em.Ĭheesy as that may be (yes, I know you’re humming that country song in your head as we speak!), it’s broadly applicable in so many situations at work.